Vuetify trigger method on clear of v-text-field:The Vuetify framework provides a convenient way to trigger a method when the “clear” button on a v-text-field
or v-textarea
component is clicked. This can be achieved by using the @click:clear
event listener and passing in the name of the method to be triggered.
When the user clicks on the clear button, the @click:clear
event is emitted, which then calls the specified method. This method can be used to perform any necessary actions such as resetting the field to its default value or clearing any related data.
Overall, using the @click:clear
event listener provides a simple and effective way to handle the clearing of text fields and text areas within Vuetify applications.
How can I trigger a method when the text inside a Vuetify v-text-field or v-textarea is cleared?
To trigger a method when the text inside a Vuetify v-text-field or v-textarea is cleared, use the “clearable” prop on the input element and the “@click:clear” event listener to call the desired method. For example, add “clearable @click:clear=’clearMethod'” to the v-text-field or v-textarea element and define the “clearMethod” method in the Vue instance’s “methods” object
Vuetify trigger method on clear of v-text-field Example
<v-text-field v-model="myValue" clearable @click:clear="clearMethod"></v-text-field>
<script type="module">
const app = createApp({
data() {
return {
myValue: ''
methods: {
clearMethod() {
alert('Are You Want to Clear Text')
}).use(vuetify).mount('#app'); // Mount the app to the #app element